Soutien à la recherche et concours Le RRSPQ présent à des conférences internationales: félicitations à nos récipiendaires 2016-2017

Chaque année, le RRSPQ encourage ses membres étudiants à présenter le résultat de leurs recherches lors de conférences internationales en couvrant les frais de leur participation. Cette année, les demandes ont été nombreuses. Félicitations aux récipiendaires! Tenez-vous informés en vous inscrivant à notre bulletin ou en consultant notre site pour le lancement du prochain concours!

Récipiendaires 2016-2017

BAYARD Chantal (INRS) "How do celebrities perform breastfeeding selfies (brelfies) on social media?" Motherlines: Mothering, Motherhood, and Mothers In and Through the Generations: Theory, Narrative, Representation, Practice and Experience, Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community and Involvement and UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, 6-9 July, 2017.

DORÉ Isabelle (UdeM) "Does relatedness to others in physical activity promote mental health and prevent mental disorders?", 6th International Society of Physical Activity and Public Health Congress, Bangkok, 16 -19 nov. 2016

LECLERC Jacinthe (U Laval)  "Hospitalizations and emergency consultations following generic antihypertensive drugs commercialization in Quebec", Scientific Sessions 2016, American Heart Association, New Orleans, 12-16 nov. 2016

LORTHIOS Agathe (UdM) "What are the optimal conditions to implement peer-led health promotion programs? A systematic review", Global implementation conference 2017 – Expanding implementation perspectives : Engaging systems, Toronto, 10-21 juin 2017

LUNGHI Carlotta (U Laval) "Depression and medication non-adherence in type 2 diabetic patients: association and factors associated with non-adherence", 20th European Society for Patient Adherence, Compliance and Persistence Conference, Lisboa, 18-19 nov. 2016

NGANGUE Patrick (U Laval) "Failure to return for post-test counseling and HIV test results at the prevention and voluntary testing and counseling centers of Douala, Cameroon: an evaluation of a routine five-year program", Colloque international "Sciences sociales et VIH/sida en Afrique subsaharienne", Abidjan, 12-14 décembre 2016

ROULEAU Geneviève (U Laval) "Online training to support nurses accompanying people living with HIV with medication adherence", 4th International Conference on Medical Informatics, Londron, 6-7 oct. 2016

VAN DER WAL Ran (McGill) "Bottlenecks and Red Tape Reduce Access to Government Support Programs by Botswana’s Most Vulnerable Young Women", 8th Consortium of Universities for Global Health’s annual Conference, Washington DC, 6-9 April 2017.