Global health research funding support: Results dissemination to participants and key stakeholders

Click on the "Applications" tab above for complete description of this competition

The Global Health Axis of the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN) is pleased to announce its competition designed to support graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows in the dissemination of their global health research results. The goal of this competition is to provide students and fellows with funding so that they may disseminate their findings to study participants and/or local communities and/or stakeholders. 

Application deadline

July 29, 2024 - 5pm

Deadline to complete planned dissemination activities

February 10, 2025


3 x $3500


Application form

Description of the competition in a pdf file


The Global Health Axis of the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN) is pleased to announce its competition designed to support graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows in the dissemination of their global health research results. The goal of this competition is to provide students and fellows with funding so that they may disseminate their findings to study participants and/or local communities and/or stakeholders.  

Funds may be used to support international or local (within Canada) travel and accommodation, as well as costs related to the organization of activities and/or for the development of dissemination tools (e.g., capsule, infograph, learning module). This competition is not intended to support publications or dissemination activities that target the scientific community.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidate must be a student member of the QPHRN
  • The research study must be relevant to global health, i.e address issues relevant to global health, including those of indigenous communities and migrants. Global Health refers to “the work, including research, that is conducted towards reducing health inequalities within and across international borders. It focuses on transnational determinants and solutions and involves the application of Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches” (Koplan et al., 2009)
  • The candidate must return to the location where they collected their data or in another location that is convenient for the dissemination of their results to key stakeholders, communities and/or participants, unless travel is prohibited (e.g., new travel restrictions, safety concerns).
  • Candidates who plan to travel to a country for which travel restrictions or security warnings have been issued by the Government of Canada must ensure that they have the approval of their institution to proceed with the planned trip. In some cases, a risk mitigation plan may be required.
  • The proposed dissemination plan should be completed by February 10, 2025. An activities’ report may be required before this date;
  • The same activities cannot be funded more than once by the FRQ or any other funding agency.
  • A same QPHRN student member can apply to several annual competitions launched by the QPHRN but a Master’s student cannot be awarded more than $5,000 per year, and a Ph. D. or postdoctoral student $10,000 per year. 
  • Candidates must not have applied to any other student financial support competition (2024-2025 bursaries) launched by the Network and its axes.


Download application form

Evaluation Criteria 

  • Scientific quality of the study;
  • Potential impact of the results for global health;
  • Quality and feasibility of the dissemination plan
  • Potential impact of the dissemination activities
  • Recent academic transcript. 


  • The financial support of the QPHRN and the Global Health axis must be explicitly mentioned in all funded dissemination activities as well as any other activities that result from the funded activities including presentations, publications or communications. The following acknowledgment phrase is suggested: 
    « L’équipe de recherche remercie l’axe santé mondiale du Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) pour sa contribution à la dissémination des résultats de cette recherche. »
    “The research team would like to thank Global Health Axis of the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN-RRSPQ) for its contribution to the dissemination of these research results.”
  • The laureates agree to publish the title and a summary of their project (in French and in English) on the QPHRN's website as soon as the competition results are announced;
  • Laureates commit to producing a report of their dissemination activities, which can be in the format of their choice (video, written report, photos, webinar, publication, ...) and will be shared on the QPHRN website. Examples of reports click on the “Winners” tab above. 
  • In the event of travel restrictions related to security issues in the country of destination that were not foreseen when the application was submitted and that would prevent any travel, recipients agree to propose a new plan for disseminating the results of their study in a form adapted to the circumstances and the target audience.
  • Researchers who receive funding are expected to attend the RRSPQ Annual Scientific Meeting and may be requested to present their results and/or the dissemination activities at this event. 


The amount offered in the form of a bursary will be a maximum of $3500, depending on the budget submitted in the application.


Application deadline

July 29, 2024 - 5pm

Deadline to complete planned dissemination activities

February 10, 2025


3 x $3500


Application form

Download the description and conditions of this competition in pdf




Malika Degrâce-Roy (UQAR). L’expérience de soins de santé pour les populations clés d’un milieu urbain d’un pays d’Afrique centrale : une recherche qualitative descriptive.

Geneviève Fortin (UdeM). Between agency and structural vulnerabilities: a mixed methods study to understand how adolescents experience sexual annd reproductive health and rights in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Visitez le site web qui présente les résultats de ce projet, une exposition virtuelle et bien d'autres sections passionnantes !

Marie-Catherine Gagnon-Dufresne (UdeM). De la dissémination des résultats à l’adaptation d’un protocole de recherche : Organisation d'un atelier délibératif pour informer la mise en œuvre d’une étude pour prévenir la dengue à Dhaka (Bangladesh).

Parnor Madjitey (McGill University). Exploring the perspectives of local health workers on ethical tensions experienced during epidemics: An ethical inquiry of infectious disease outbreaks in settings with under-resourced Primary Health Care (PHC) systems.

Consultez les résumés des projets


Sarah Cooper, (ESPUM, UdeM). Age-appropriate full vaccination coverage in children 0-14 months in Burkina Faso: Trends between 2010-2021 and repercussions of COVID-19.
Visionnez l'enregistrement vidéo de la présentation à la Conférence canadienne sur la santé mondiale 2022.

Sakiko Yamaguchi (McGill University). Youth participation in mental health policymaking.

Consultez le résumé des projets


Muriel Mac-Seing (UdeM) et al.La législation, les politiques de santé et l'utilisation des services de santé sexuelle et reproductive chez les personnes handicapées dans un contexte de post-conflit au Nord de l'Ouganda. En raison de la pandémie, le projet a dû être abandonné et a été remplacé par un soutien du Réseau à la publication intitulée How to navigate the application of ethics norms in global health research: reflections based on qualitative research conducted with people with disabilities in Uganda, disponible en accès libre ici.

Ingrid Olivia Norrmén-Smith (McGill University) et al.: “Prescribing Courage” : A multimedia treatment of “baksbat” (“broken form”) and the remediaton of Cambodia’s “mental health crisis”. En raison de la pandémie, le projet n'a pu avoir lieu et a été remplacé par un reportage vidéo - actuellement en cours de préparation. 

Juan Pimentel (McGill University) et al.: Impact of Co-Designed Game Learning on Cultural Safety in Colombian Medical Education: a Randomized Controlled Trial -  En raison de la pandémie, le projet n'a pu avoir lieu en Colombie. Il a été remplcé par une capsule vidéo présentant les résultats et perspectives des participant.e.s impliqués dans ce projet. Visionnez la vidéo en cliquant ici


Iván Sarmiento (McGill University) et al. : Safe birth in cultural safety: the impact of supporting traditional midwives on maternal outcomes in four indigenous groups in southern Mexico. [L'accouchement sans risques en sécurité culturelle: impact du soutien aux sages-femmes traditionnelles dans le cadre des  résultats maternels dans quatre groupes autochtones du Sud du Mexique]

Dave Bergeron (USherbrooke) et al. : Évaluation réaliste des interventions intersectorielles de promotion de la santé buccodentaire pour les écoliers vivant dans des communautés rurales andines.


George Batona (Université Laval): Promouvoir le dépistage volontaire du VIH chez les travailleuses du sexe au Bénin: Développement, mise en œuvre et évaluation d’une intervention

Ndeye Thiab Diouf (Université Laval): L’implication des bénéficiaires dans la mise en œuvre du programme de renforcement de la nutrition du Sénégal : les femmes du Vélingara, un exemple plein d’espoir

Jessica Spagnolo, (Université de Montréal): Global mental health: Building system capacity for the integration of mental health into primary care in Tunisia


Ran Van der Waal, Université de Montréal, "Acceptabilité des outils de santé mobile par les sages-femmes auxiliaires au Myanmar" (Yangon, Myanmar);

Layla Mofid, McGill, "Le déparasitage post-partum: une nouveau moyen de soutenir l'allaitement et optimiser la croissance du nourrisson" (Iquitos, Pérou);

Robin Richardson, McGill, "L'autonomisationr et la santé mentale de la femme" (Udaipur, Inde).


June Yee Tsun Po, McGill, "Les enfants mangent-ils mieux quand leurs mères ont une plus grande influence sur la ferme? Exploration des relations entre le statut nutritionnel des enfants et l'accès des petits exploitants agricoles femmes aux ressources foncières des zone arides du Kenya" (Comtés de Machakos et de Makueni, Kenya);