Quebec Population Health
Research Network




Created in 2002 and funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS), the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN/RRSPQ) is committed to developing research capacity and networking in population health research.



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The Quebec Population Health Research Network represents 6 strategic groupings - SG – and 2 research capacity strengthening programs:

Research Capacity Strengthening Programs

Latest News

Publication - A systematic review of the association between history of sexually transmitted infections and subsequent condom use in adolescents

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Une publication de Frédérique Tremblay (ULaval) et collègues, soutenue par le Réseau suite au concours de soutien aux publications scientifiques 2023-2024. Parution en open access grâce au soutien du Réseau dans BMC Public Health 24, 1000 (2024).

Publication - Rethinking the pros and cons of randomiszed controlled trials and observational studies in the era of big data and advanced methods: A panel discussion

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Une publication de Pamela Fernainy et collègues, soutenue par le Réseau suite au concours de soutien aux publications scientifiques 2023-2024.

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