Quebec Population Health
Research Network




Created in 2002 and funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS), the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN/RRSPQ) is committed to developing research capacity and networking in population health research.



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The Quebec Population Health Research Network represents 6 strategic groupings - SG – and 2 research capacity strengthening programs:

Research Capacity Strengthening Programs

Latest News

Publication - Learning from intersectoral initiatives to respond to the needs of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants without status in the context of COVID-19 in Quebec and Ontario: A qualitative multiple case study protocol

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Un article de Lara Gautier (UdeM) et collègues soutenu par le Réseau suite au concours de soutien aux publications scientifiques 2022-2023 (2e édition).

Publication - Patients’ perspectives on their motivations for participating in non-clinical medical teaching and what they gain from their experience: a qualitative study informed by critical theory

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Un article de Julie Massé (ULaval) et collègues soutenu par le Réseau suite au concours de soutien aux publications scientifiques 2022-2023 (2e édition).

Publication - Gender disparity in prestigious speaking roles: A Study of 10 years of international conference programming in the field of gambling studies

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Un article d'Eva Monson (UdeS) et collègues soutenu suite au concours de soutien aux publications scientifiques 2022-2023 (2e édition).