Publications The 5Cs of positive youth development and life purpose among Roma and Egyptian minority adolescents in Albania

Une publication de Eglantina Dervishi et collègues, soutenue par l'Axe Santé mondiale suite au concours de soutien à des initiatives structurantes menés par des stagiaires au post-doctorat (2019-2020). Revue: Análisis Y Modificación De Conducta, 48(178), 79-98

Autrices et auteurs

Eglantina Dervishi; Albana Canollari-Baze; Fatjona Hysi, Nora Wiium


The 5Cs model of Positive Youth Development focuses on thriving adolescents who develop positive qualities, which are known to help them deal with challenges, tasks, and psychological concerns. Life Purpose acts as a protective factor in relation to the general well-being of adolescents and supports the 5Cs through this process of growth. The aim of this study is to examine the role of the 5Cs of PYD, namely Competence, Confidence, Connection, Caring, and Character, and how Life Purpose is explained by the 5Cs. There is no precedent study on the 5Cs model of positive youth development in Albania. In specific,this study investigated the 5Cs of PYD for the two most marginalized minority groups in Albania, the Roma,and Egyptian communities. Data were collected from 201 participants from the three most populated cities with Roma minority (N=100) and Egyptian minority (N=101), aged between 14-20 years old. Association between the 5Cs and purpose in life was found. Life Purpose has an association with Character, Caring, and Connection. In interaction with 5Cs, Life Purpose provides a framework for systematic behavior in life by motivating adolescents to plan and make efforts to achieve in decision-making and performance.