Webinaires Watch the webinar - LGBTQ+ health care praxis: Building more equitable and just futures today

Un événement virtuel organisé par l'Unité de recherche en éthique pragmatique de la santé (Institut de recherche clinique de Montréal).

How might we build more equitable and just futures for LGBTQ+ people and communities, and what does health care have to do with it? This talk explores the connections between care ethics, care practices, organizational cultures, and praxis—that is, the practical application of theories in our work—in the context of LGBTQ+ health care. Informed by historical and contemporary examples, it offers opportunities for solidarity and collective resistance among patients and providers working together to dismantle and transform unjust systems.


Zena Sharman, Writer, speaker, strategist and LGBTQ+ health advocate


Le webinaire a eu lieu le 20 juin 2024


Watch the webinar